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Federal and State Requirements

As one of one of 56 intermediate school districts in Michigan, St. Clair County RESA is required by law to provide the services and reports found here.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

The Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides all persons (except persons incarcerated in correctional facilities) with access to public records of public bodies. Requests to inspect or receive public records of St. Clair County RESA must be in writing and describe the requested records with sufficient detail to enable RESA to identify and locate the requested records. Some records are exempt from disclosure under the FOIA or another statute and thus will not be provided. A fee may be charged to process your request.

Safety Drill Report

In July of 2014, the State of Michigan passed legislation that requires schools to conduct five fire drills throughout the year, two tornado drills and three lockdown drills. Additionally, schools are required to conduct at least one drill during lunch or recess periods when students are outside the classroom. Results from completed drills must be posted on school websites for at least three years.

Section 504

A person who believes a student has been discriminated against by the District on the basis of the student’s disability or who believes the District otherwise violated Section 504 also has the right to file a complaint through the District’s grievance procedure. 

School Wellness Policy

St. Clair County RESA is committed to providing a school environment that enhances opportunities for learning and lifelong wellness.

Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

Transparency Reporting

The transparency information is reported in compliance with the State School Aid Act, MCL 388.1618, and is presented in accordance with guidelines prepared by the Michigan Department of Education.

St. Clair County RESA

Budget and Salary/Compensation Transparency Reporting 

RESA-chartered academies

Blue Water Middle College

Virtual Learning Academy