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School Improvement

The State Board of Education approved both the School Improvement Framework 2.0 and the District Improvement Framework 2.0 on March 11, 2014.

These updated frameworks are designed to help schools and districts move forward with continuous improvement, leading to increased student achievement. 

School Improvement Framework (SIP) 2.0 and District Improvement Framework (DIP) 2.0 

Local district support for School Improvement

RESA staff can assist local districts in developing effective school improvement plans focused on student learning.

Brenda Tenniswood 
Director of Education Services

Partnership with AdvancEd

The Office of School Improvement and the Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability of the Michigan Department of Education, in collaboration with AdvancED, provide unified online resources designed to:

  • Assist Michigan schools and districts with their school improvement and accreditation efforts.

  • Avoid duplication of effort for schools and districts to meet their school improvement and accreditation requirements.

Supporting school improvement with data

MI School Data
Michigan's official source for education data

Data for Student Success (Data4SS)
This online data tool is designed to support data-driven decision making and school improvement activities in Michigan schools

School Improvement Resources