Project Find
Project Find helps individuals, parents, and people who work with families to connect with the special educational services that may be needed. Eligible children, youth, and young adults may receive special educational services from age 3 through 25 years of age.
Referral Process
Anyone can make a referral for a Project Find evaluation if it is suspected that the child/young adult is developmentally delayed or has a physical or mental condition highly associated with developmental delay. Primary referral sources can include hospitals, physicians, parents, local education agencies, public health facilities, other social service providers and other medical providers.
Project Find refers individuals for a free evaluation to help identify specific conditions that prevent a young person from learning. The evaluation is the first step in getting the help he or she needs.
For those who qualify after the evaluation, the public school system helps find special programs and educational services to meet the individual's needs so he or she can receive the best possible education.
All information contained in the evaluation and educational program is confidential.