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Early Childhood Services

RESA’s Early Childhood Services Department coordinates a range of services for families with children ages 0-5.

Toddler blowing on a dandelion clock with bright blue sky i n the background

A better future starts with Help Me Grow

Help Me Grow St. Clair County staff helps connect families to a local network of community resources that help children thrive, including:

  • Parent support

  • Quality early learning experiences such as child care and preschool
  • Developmental information
  • Home visiting programs
Five smiling preschoolers sit on outside playground structure
A group of preschoolers wearing paper crowns sit in a circle on blanket outside during a group activity
A preschooler blows into a bubble wand while playing outside
Two preschoolers watch a puppet show put on by teacher
Three preschoolers sit on matt playing with building toys
A teacher sits on the floor with a preschooler in front of a magnetic board containing letters
For more information, contact: 

Becky Gorinac 
Early Childhood Services Director 
(810) 455-4037