Great Start Collaborative
You can make a difference in the lives of our county’s children
Research shows what parents have always known: that a child starts learning at birth. Community agencies such as yours are there to help make this as strong a community as possible. And it all begins with the very young. One way or another, each agency in our community affects the lives of our young ones. It's in all of our best interests for each child to grow to be well-adjusted, well-educated and productive. That process doesn't start with kindergarten. It starts at birth.
Our Mission:
St. Clair County will have a coordinated system of community resources and supports to assist all our families in providing a great start for children from birth through third grade.
Our Vision:
Every child in St. Clair County will have a great start in life. They will be safe, healthy, and eager to succeed in school and in life.
Ensuring a great start for every child in St. Clair County and the development of an early childhood system is the work of multiple partnerships. It requires support and commitment from all of our champions.
Great Start Early Childhood Outcomes
- Children are born healthy
Children are healthy, thriving, and developmentally on track from birth to third grade
Children are developmentally ready to succeed in school at time of school entry
Children are prepared to succeed in fourth grade and beyond by reading proficiently by the end of third grade
The Great Start Collaborative is funded under a grant awarded by the Michigan Department of Education.
For more information, contact:
Jennifer Gunderson
Great Start Collaborative Coordinator
2024-25 Great Start Collaborative Meeting Dates
RESA East Campus
2nd Floor
1111 Delaware
Marysville, MI 48040